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NEW: Automatically ending of access

LearningStone, Product news

A new feature makes it much easier for heavy users of LearningStone to manage their individual members. We ask Michiel Klønhammer, founder and Chief of Things at LearningStone, about the update.

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Hi Michiel, an update?
'Yes, we have automated the ending of participation or access of participants to training group, coaching track, or e-learning module. This is now easy to set up for groups but also on an individual basis.'

How does it work?
'We find that there is an increasing amount of individual use of LearningStone and that there's a lot of large-scale use and then every action is one too many. You can now set up custom endings for individuals by editing the user in the organise members page but you can also set the number of days a member has acces in the groupspace settings. For example.... Say you want to provide limited access to a training course. Say 30 days and they don't all start at the same time.  This is now really easy to configure. 

What prompted you to develop this update?
'We received a suggestion some time ago from our client MEDE - an agency specializing in employee participation. They were having a lot of work manually removing participants from an ongoing course. We also noticed that we have a growing number of customers who are using LearningStone on a really large scale, with a lot of participants in a workspace. So we've now made it easier to give individuals certain access rights.'

Are a lot of people going to use this?
'I think a lot of our customers are going to use this, although it remains possible to archive whole groups within LearningStone and then you don't need to set any individual ending dates .'

What updates are coming soon?
'We're going to automate a lot more this year. There will be a lot of focus on that especially for workspaces with a lot of users.  I'm excited about a new version of our dialogue environment; we are developing that right now. And we are busy working on search within LearningStone. We'll be coming out with more news soon.'

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How do I remove members or end access automatically?

It’s has always possible to archive a whole groupspace (the training, coaching track etc). The LearningStone archive is free, so you never need to worry about archiving a groupspace. Members can still enter the groupspace in the archive but not edit or post anything.
You might also want to end the access of specific members or all members after a certain amount of time without archiving the groupspace. This can be done manually in “Organize members” by deleting the member (everything is lost) or ending the access (the member cannot enter anymore but data is kept) which means you archive the member in an ongoing groupspace.
It's now also possible to let the system calculate the end date based on the number of days you set in the groupspace settings. E.g End the access 30 days after the member was added.

If this default doesn’t work for you, we have now also made it possible to set the end date manually for a member. Just click on the profile picture in “Organize members” and then “Edit”. The member will then be moved to “Access ended (archived members)” at the specified date.

In all cases the end date (if there is one) will be visible for the member in “My Catalog” and they will get a notification that their access has ended.

NOTE: if you set an end date to a date in the past, the member will be moved to “Access ended” in “Organize members”. If you move the member back, you will need to remove the end date or change it, to avoid the access to be ended again. The system checks dates and moves members every few hours.



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