Help: Tags

Why use tags?

LearningStone offers several standard roles (member, coach, manager, coachee) but a groupspace might have its own special subgroups or individuals that need to stand out. Tags help point out that someone has a special role but also lets you search for people with a special role or send messages to them. You might want to add a tag “Excellent Student” or “Team lead” or you might want to tag each member as a team member (“blue team”).

You can do this if you are a manager or a coach.

Once you’ve added a tag, anybody will see it on the profile pages and the tag will be available in the “People” page and in “Messages” for sending messages. Go to the Settings page of the groupspace to view all the Tags that are being used.

How do I organize tags? Groupspace versus Workspace tags.

If you (coach or manager) only have one groupspace all you need to do is add a tag and you’re done. You can add tags by clicking on someone’s profile picture in the “People” or “Organize Members” page.

With a paid license you can choose to add tags that are visible for the entire workspace.

How can I remove tags?

A tag will be removed if it isn’t used anymore. So simply remove the tag by clicking on a profile image on the “Organize Members” or “People” page. Click on “Remove tags” and click on an x next to a tag.



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