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Update to reduce incorrect spam filtering by Office365

Such a nuisance… email that ends up in your participants' spam filter. We know!
Today we have released an update for LearningStone to help avoid spam filtering mistakes by Office 365. Due to the frequent mistakes in spam filtering by Office 365, encountered by many email senders, both the content and formatting of emails has been redesigned. Besides this, we are in contact with Microsoft to improve deliverability.

LearningStone email adheres to extremely strict policies defined by protocols such as DKIM, SPM, DMARC and more and has a 10/10 email test score. No problems are experienced with Google, Yahoo, or any other major email provider. Email routed through Outlook.com, Hotmail, and Live are not affected either.


What can you do?

Even though our test lab shows that deliverability for Office365 has improved by this update, it is well known that the Microsoft Office 365 anti-spam infrastructure is outdated and there are many  different conflicting filters in place. You can help!

  • When you send out an invitation or any other message, use a full paragraph of text (Outlook 365 hates short messages).
  • Do not add unnecessary links to emails. Always show the full url (https://....) so that Office365 doesn't think you're sending a phishing email.
  • Report false positives to LearningStone with the feedback link at the bottom of a page.
  • Ask your users to choose “this is not junk” when selecting the email in the Junk folder.

This update includes

  • Showing most links as full urls, including in buttons in email.
  • Redesigning email headers (a technical matter you won’t notice).
  • Include invitation text in automatic reminders.
  • Enforcing a minimum amount of characters for invitation text.
  • More space to enter the invitation text.
  • Redesigned invitation dialog for single invites in “Organize members”.

What happens if all this doesn’t help?

It’s possible that email is quarantined – which means it will arrive slowly or perhaps a client has an outdated email server which is slowing down email.
This is what you can do after you have sent an invitation from LearningStone:

  • Ask members to check their junk mail folders.

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