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How to use videos for a blended-learning training course

One picture says more than a thousand words. It’s an adage you’ve likely heard many times. And rightly so, because visuals are an indispensable part of communication – especially when you want to ...

One picture says more than a thousand words. It’s an adage you’ve likely heard many times. And rightly so, because visuals are an indispensable part of communication – especially when you want to teach people something. Nevertheless, trainers often dread recording a video. That’s a shame, because it provides a lot of added value.

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Photo by Lina Yatsen on Unsplash

Visuals: an asset to every training course

Nowadays, everyone is perpetually in a hurry. The hustle and bustle of everyday life makes videos a lot more appealing than a bunch of written words. Reading isn’t a quick, on-the-side activity. It requires a proactive attitude and focus – unlike watching videos, which takes much less time and effort. Additionally, a video immediately captures people’s attention. And you can share quite some information in a few minutes.

If you think about it, a video is an indispensable part of a blended-learning training course. Unfortunately, trainers often dread the idea of recording one. They feel discouraged by the remarkable technology used in the average Hollywood flick. But trainers don’t have to meet these standards at all. Interactivity and contents are the most important elements – as long as you talk to participants face to face during the occasional live meeting, they will forgive you for your less-than-perfect lighting.

Incidentally, not only trainers should get rid of their camera shyness. If you want to get the most out of your blended-learning training course, make sure participants record their own videos as well. For example, let them rehearse their sales pitches in front of the camera or record a live situation on the work floor. This will make for more active participants: the assignment is close to their everyday reality, thus breathing life into the training course.


How to make the most of videos and other methods

Do you dread the idea of recording your own videos? A solid blended-learning platform can make it a lot easier for you. Opt for an environment where trainers and participants can upload their videos in a quick and simple way. In addition to videos, you should also be able to share audio recordings and documents on the platform. This way, you’ll make the most of all methods that enrich a blended-learning training course!

Want to upload and share videos in a user-friendly blended-learning environment? Please don’t hesitate to contact us. We’ll be happy to discuss your opportunities.

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