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LearningStone Blog!

Even the IRS is happy with LearningStone!

Interview, Trainer, Social & Collaboration, Customer story

If you are already familiar with LearningStone, you'll probably recognize the following: You were setting up your first LearningStone workspace and before you knew it, the workspace was in own house…

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The L&D tips of 'L&D Leader' Jeanne Bakker

Tips & How to's, Social & Collaboration, Customer story

What are the top L&D tips from L&D leaders? For LearningStone's 'Interviews with L&D leaders' series - leading industry experts give great tips. Today Joitske Hulsebosch on her favorite L&D book

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The L&D tips of 'L&D Leader' Joitske Hulsebosch

Tips & How to's, Customer story, Social & Collaboration, Interview

What are the top L&D tips from L&D leaders? For LearningStone's 'Interviews with L&D leaders' series - leading industry experts give great tips. Today Joitske Hulsebosch on her favorite L&D book

Lesen Sie mehr über The L&D tips of 'L&D Leader' Joitske Hulsebosch

Fiom wins the LearningStone Blended Learning Award

Customer story, Blended learning, Social & Collaboration

Fiom has won the Blended Learning Award from LearningStone and with it the LearningStone blender! Fiom truly excels with its beautiful blended learning design. Irma Polo and Wendy Kersten show what's…

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‘Well-being? Blended learning provides a more profound learning effect’

Customer story, Social & Collaboration

‘Well-being’ is probably not the first term that comes to mind when you think of blended learning. But huge opportunities await at that very intersection, says Ymke Rinsema, the go-to blended support…

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Collaborative learning in an online learning environment: 4 tips

Blended learning, Learning design, Social & Collaboration

Discovering and jointly using each other’s knowledge and experience: that’s collaborative learning in a nutshell. As a trainer or coach, you like to use this learning method. And you know exactly how…

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Online training: how can you keep people virtually engaged and how does interaction work?

Blended learning, Tips & How to's, Social & Collaboration, Trainer

In the past few months, we have talked to a lot of trainers. Our central question: How can you keep people virtually engaged and how does interaction work during online training sessions? We’ll…

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How a blended-learning platform has turned participants into co-creators

Customer story, Social & Collaboration, Blended learning

Who are our partners, and how have they incorporated blended learning into their training and coaching services? In this blog, Silke Koerner, managing partner at Dex Training, shares her experience.

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