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Case: "A blended-learning platform contributes massively"

Customer story, Blended learning

How do our customers feel about blended learning? What has it done for them? In this blog, Jenni Miller, one of the directors of Management Dynamics, shares her experience. Specializing in leadership and management development, the company provides corporate clients with bespoke training and other solutions, including coaching.

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In doing so, Management Dynamics has embraced blended learning. "We provide face-to-face workshops, live virtual group coaching, live virtual classrooms, and individual coaching," Jenni explains. The virtual glue that holds everything together: blended-learning platform LearningStone.

"The system helps participants see where they're at and what's next"

Management Dynamics offers LearningStone as a support for the programs it delivers. "Our clients sometimes don't have their own blended-learning platforms," says Jenni. "So, we put all resources and learning instructions up there, including the occasional video we record. It contributes massively. The system really helps participants see where they're at, what's next, and which resources they can consult."

What Jenni particularly likes is that information can be offered to participants in a more structured way: "We used to send emails containing links, and although it worked, it presented some challenges. For example, it’s impossible to collect resources in one place, and retrieving things afterwards can be difficult." Another aspect that's lacking in email communication is – well, communication. Jenni explains, "Participants can't comment on anything you send out, so it's not easy for them to socialize. LearningStone has a wall that they can post on, and we encourage them to do so because they get massive value out of it."


"We'd never be able to run our programs without LearningStone"

Management Dynamics used to work with a different system, but its lack of user-friendliness overshadowed its potential benefits. "It was so complicated that we never really used it," says Jenni. "LearningStone, on the other hand, is very quick and easy to set up. Creating a group space for a training program, for example, only takes a few minutes."

Another reason for Management Dynamics to opt for LearningStone was its visual component: "We really like the look of it. And the wall was definitely a plus, too. The system’s communication element is beautiful."

In summary, Jenni believes LearningStone to be a valuable addition in all respects: "It's a fabulous place for the organization of learning. We'd never be able to run our programs without LearningStone!"

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