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Made in Ukraine

Impact, LearningStone

Since the beginning of the war, we decided to use part of our revenue to support people in Ukraine. LearningStone regularly sponsors charities with, among other things, discounts on licenses but in this case we wanted to do more. Simply donating money is easy enough but we strongly believe in the benefits of sustainable support and cooperation. We got in touch with a talented programmer who lost work due to the war. We have given him a budget to work on a big project for Zotonic - the open source project that is used for- and co-developed by LearningStone. Made in Ukraine!


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By funding a project with a concrete goal, we hope to both support the open source community, fulfil our own technical goals and provide funds and above all a future for people in Ukraine.

The circumstances in the Ukraine are particularly uncertain. That’s why we looked for a project that was important but not too time sensitive. It became Zotonic's new search engine. Phase 1 (the internal "quick search" in a Zotonic dashboard) has now been successfully completed and has gone live. This will make managing LearningStone and "LearningStone powered sites" such as this site, easier, but the technology is now also available to all other organizations deploying the Zotonic platform.

Search is a complex feature in large applications with millions of data records. User expectations are high due to experiences with search engines like Google. Our goal is to fully meet those expectations (fast and easy!) in steps, to keep developing for Zotonic and to provide better search capabilities for the LearningStone end user.

Would you like to know more about working with developers in the Ukraine or would you like to support us with this project? We would love to hear from you! Mail to Michiel Klønhammer at  


With special thanks to Marc Worrell, our CTO and lead developer of Zotonic for his incredible hard work for this and many other important projects.

And another special thanks to Driebit, an important company in the Zotonic world who has agreed to co-invest in this project. Driebit develops many interesting social projects with Zotonic.


Learn more about Zotonic

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