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The L&D tips of 'L&D Leader' Rene Luisman

So what are the top L&D tips from L&D leaders? For our LearningStone's series 'Interviews with L&D leaders', leading industry experts inspire us with great tips what to read and follow on social media. Rene Luisman gives his insights on his favorite L&D book, website and most inspiring professional.


Rene Luisman. Photo: Hannah Anthonysz

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Here you can read the entire interview with Rene Luisman, who became trainer of the year in 2018, thanks in part to blended learning. He recently decided to focus entirely on coaching gay men. 

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The career tip for L&D'ers

'What always benefits me most is connecting with the other person. Taking the time to reflect on my own behavior and get feedback from other trainers and participants. That helps me the most to keep growing.'

'That's how I've learned that sometimes I have to observe more, in the beginning. Sometimes something happens in a group, and then I immediately start intervening or looking for a solution. While the learning process is not always served by that. Discomfort is also allowed in the group. On a good day I let it go, but on a bad day I don't, and then it's useful to have a colleague to provide some feedback.

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What is a medium or website you recommend?

'TikTok is also nice for L&D people. I see that trainers and coaches are increasingly making difficult and weighty subjects - in the form of fun videos - more light-hearted on social media. About intimacy, for example. I myself want to take that step too; I've already bought the camera for it. It is my ambitionas I believe in sharing knowledge, I'm not afraid of that.'

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Most inspiring L&D Professional

'Selma Foeken. She helps other trainers and coaches with distinctive entrepreneurship. She understands how people nmake good choices. I think she really stands out.'

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Best L&D book?

'That's 'Design for how people learn' by Julie Dirksen. A very good book about learning, with very practical examples, to improve your trainings. How do you attract and hold attention? How do you stimulate people in the learning process? It’s described well.'

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Best blended learning design?

'Myself? That's the first thing that comes to mind, I say immodestly. A good blended learning design is one that is well framed. Visually appealing and with a clear structure. Well thought out. I don't see enough examples of that yet.'

'What also comes to mind is an incredibly cool module developed by ‘113 Suicide Prevention’. About how to respond when someone has suicidal thoughts. With short good videos and with different options: how would you react? Close to reality and very applicable. All characteristics of a good elearning/blended course, in a module of one hour. In that hour I got a lot of specific tools.

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Does a training ever go wrong?

'All the time! That can happen. Sometimes I don't take good care of myself. Then I'm too focused on the group's process. But I like reflection. I like to look inward and always look carefully at my own program. That there is enough interaction with the participants. That they also have moments when they can process everything.'

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