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So what does LearningStone do?

LearningStone is packed with powerful yet easy-to-use features to enhance learning and save time. After an initial setup, both content and configurations can be copied so your training or coaching can quickly scale. There are so many useful features in LearningStone, it's too much to list them all. Therefore, a brief overview.


For an extensive overview of all the features of LearningStone see: Functions & Tools  

You are in control

Whatever corporate identity you are looking for, it can be designed through LearningStone's software. Whether it needs to be very businesslike or just a little more frivolous. The timeline editor provides an easy-to-use way to set up a course timeline. A course timeline that can be easily reused and modified to let you scale quickly.

LearningStone features a flexible forms generator for quizzes, tests, surveys, and any other form you like. LearningStone automatically generates progress reports and it is easy to download the report for further processing. The reports can be used for trainers and coaching for administrative purposes or when shared with participants for gamification and engagement purposes.

Trainers, coaches and participants can upload and securely share files with other participants and they can respond to uploaded files with comments and likes. Files can be Word, PDF, PowerPoint, video and any other document allowed by LearningStone’s security filters.

LearningStone lets trainers, coaches and participants upload or embed video as teaching material or for assignments. Uploaded videos are automatically converted to an appropriate online format. If you want to use YouTube or Vimeo videos, embedding is taken care of automatically.

You can visually change a lot

Galleries are great for sharing photos or videos with participants. It can be nice to take photos from a training session, for example, and put them in the gallery feature.

Dialogues, the social wall, comments on documents, posts and likes, all support collaborative learning scenarios. You can ask a participant to upload a video and have others respond to it or ask your coachee to reflect on progress made during face-to-face sessions.

The calendar makes it easy to share the schedule of face-to-face or virtual events and to create sign-ups for groups or individual appointments for a coaching session, for example.

LearningStone offers both absolute and relative scheduling - both save time so you can focus on things that really matter. The invitation tool allows you to invite individuals or groups through the great invitation wizard. Participants receive an invitation with your corporate identity and can easily create an account or log in with an existing account.

Communication is ease with LearningStone

The message center is an inbox to communicate with individuals, groups and even your former participants so you can keep in touch and even invite them to future training and coaching programs from LearningStone.

Trainees and coachees love rewards. The LearningStone certificate generator creates pdf certificates that can be automatically downloaded or emailed to participants. We keep your data protected and secure. We host our data in Europe and have implemented GDPR policies and sign a processor agreement with all organizations using the platform. We always stay vigilant and constantly improve security.

LearningStone group spaces are private and participants must adhere to our code of conduct. LearningStone is hosted in a heavily secured data center in the Netherlands regulated by the following certification: ISO 9001, ISO 27001, ISO 14001, NEN 7510, PCI DSS.

Current threat score is 0.0 (all threats detected by past pen tests have been resolved). Users can log in with 2-factor authentication (2FA) as an additional layer of security for their account.


For an extensive overview of all the features of LearningStone see: Functions & Tools  

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