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NEW: Better Dialogues

Product news, Blended learning

Comprehensive answers with images and video, within a dialogue in LearningStone? As of this week, it is possible. Behind the scenes at LearningStone, a whole new version of Dialogues has been developed. We ask Michiel Klønhammer, founder and Chief of Things at LearningStone, about the update.

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Hi Michiel, tell us about the update?

'Yes, there is a new version of LearningStone dialogues, an important function that supports collaborative learning scenarios and general collaboration, where participants and coaches and trainers have dialogues with each other. We've rebuilt the whole environment.'

Why this update?

'Dialogues were already widely used within LearningStone, but we regularly received requests to extend the functionalities. In particular, the different options for replying to a post. Users wanted to be able to reply with more content and use videos and photos. Our client Neerlands diep (academy for public construction and infrastructure projects) explicitly wanted to use the LearningStone environment as a replacement for 'Yammer' - a social network for companies. We thought that was a interesting challenge and are happy they supported part of the development.'

What is the average user going to notice from this totally revamped dialog environment?

'A lot but I think most users will accept the changes straight away. So much more is possible now. Apart from the fact that answers can be much longer and you can add files, you can now 'like' each other's answers, and you can reply to replies.'


'If you now do a team-building exercise during a live training session, you can start the dialogues during that session, and continue talking to each other when you go home. This keeps the learning activated untill the next live session. Another example is what Neerlands diep is doing now. They will be using the dialogues as a kind of forum, with conversations over longer periods of time. We are also still busy developing a search function within LearningStone. Then later this year you can also use that search to search back through the long dialogues properly.'

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Moving from old to new dialogues

  • If you were already using the dialogues in LearningStone, you don't have to do anything to use our dazzeling new dialogue function.
  • We converted the old dialogues to the new format for you. You will notice that the new dialogues have a title on the first level op replies. As the previous dialogues didn't have titles on this level, we simply used the first part of the reply as a title. 
  • If you were using images, you might notice that the size of some image has changed. You can edit them by clicking on the 3-dots icon and then "Edit". 



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