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The L&D tips of 'L&D Leader' Int Schüssler

What are the top L&D tips from L&D leaders? For LearningStone's 'Interviews with L&D leaders' series - leading industry experts give great tips. Today Int Schüssler on her favorite L&D book, website and most inspiring professional.



Int Schüssler

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Read the full interview with Int Schüssler

The career tip for L&D practitioners

'Learning is about changing behaviour and that's not always easy. Be aware that you are part of something bigger. Of the context in which learning takes place. Within that, you often act with our work. That's where you can give small jabs. You have influence, but you also have to really humble yourself sometimes.'

What is a medium you recommend

'Awwards is especially an inspiration for new design and concepts of online learning solutions.'

Most Inspiring L&D Professional

'Jane Hart: mainly because of her focus on the importance of continuity of learning, where responsibility and direction lies with the professional. I find it especially clever that someone appropriates a part of the L&D field and then knows 'everything' about it. A sharp contrast with how I myself am, very broadly interested but not a specialist in anything.'

'I am also a fan of Jeanne Bakker. I voted for her last year, at the Develhub Awards. She doesn't hesitate to question things.'

Best L&D book

'Care by Lynn Berger. About the importance and meaning of care. That subject does concern me. We think care is so important, but we take such poor care of it. What can you do yourself, or mean to others? In your own circle, your team and in your work.'

Best blended learning design?

'Isn't there. There is no royal road.'

Does training ever go wrong?

'We have sometimes developed an online training course on a topic the client wasn't quite sure about. Then you start building something on quicksand. By the time you have a good product, it turns out the pillars are no longer there and you actually have to start over.'

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