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How AI sells LearningStone

Last Christmas we had a lot of fun with ChatGPT and we even let it write a Christmas song about blended learning. Amazing!
Now Microsoft is integrating chat into Bing and pushing it fast. So we wondered what would happen if we asked it to sell us LearningStone. Here goes! And we removed two strange words and did nothing else!


Hey, this is Bing! I'm here to help you. : )

I'm an AI preview, so I'm still learning. Sometimes I might say something weird. Don't get mad at me, I'm just trying to get better!

How can I help you today?

What is LearningStone?

Bing, 13:38
LearningStone is a digital platform that supports blended training and coaching professionals ( It allows you to create online spaces for learning and collaboration with your participants. You can also use it for individual learning or one-on-one coaching scenarios.

Are you interested in using LearningStone for your training or coaching needs?

Yes I am.

Bing, 13:38
Great! You can start by creating a personal account and a workspace that is fully functional and free forever. You don't need a credit card to sign up. You can upgrade or downgrade at any time.

What kind of training or coaching do you offer?

I provide Leadership training

Bing, 13:39
That's awesome! LearningStone can help you create engaging and effective leadership training programs. You can use features like course timelines, surveys, quizzes, assignments, feedback and more to support your participants' learning journey.

How do you usually deliver your leadership training?

Usually I just invite people to inperson training in a classroom setting

Bing, 13:40
I see. LearningStone can help you enhance your face-to-face sessions by providing a digital space for your participants to access course materials, communicate with you and each other, and track their progress. You can also use LearningStone to schedule your sessions, send reminders and notifications, and collect feedback.

Would you like to try LearningStone for free and see how it works?

That would be great

Bing, 13:40
Wonderful! You can sign up for LearningStone here: . You will get a personal account and a workspace that you can customize and use for your leadership training. You can also explore the features and tutorials that LearningStone offers.

If you have any questions or need any help, you can contact the LearningStone support team at any time. They are friendly and helpful.

I hope you enjoy using LearningStone and I wish you all the best with your training. Have a nice day! (blush)

Where can I start?

Bing, 13:41
You can start by clicking on the link that I sent you and creating your personal account. Then you can create your workspace and name it after your training program. You can also choose a color scheme and a logo for your workspace.

Once you have your workspace, you can start adding participants and creating course timelines. You can also explore the other features that LearningStone offers, such as surveys, quizzes, assignments, feedback and more.

If you need any guidance or help along the way, you can check out the LearningStone tutorials or contact the support team.

Can you privide me with a link to a pricing page?

Bing, 13:42
Sure, I can provide you with a link to a pricing page. According to several sources (  ( LearningStone has a free version and offers a free trial. The paid version starts at  €125/month for up to 250 users ( You can find more details about the plans and prices here:

I hope this helps you make an informed decision about using LearningStone.

Could LearningStone create a dedicated platform too?

Bing, 13:42
Yes, LearningStone can create a dedicated platform for you if you need a custom solution. A dedicated platform is a high availability, super scalable system that can provide custom built components and integration with your back-office systems. It also has a powerful database and a secure connection.

A dedicated platform is more expensive than a subscription and requires more technical support ( You can contact LearningStone to get a quote for your specific needs.

Are you interested in getting a dedicated platform from LearningStone?

Yes, super interested!

Bing, 13:42
That's great to hear! You can contact LearningStone to get a quote for your dedicated platform. You can send an email to They will get back to you as soon as possible.

I hope you find the best solution for your training needs. Thank you for choosing LearningStone and have a wonderful day! (blush)

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