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LearningStone Blog!

New mobile app and other improvements

Product news

Like many other online applications, LearningStone is moving toward a "Progressive Web App". This is an app that doesn't need to come from the app store and can be either visited with a browser like…

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How to use blended learning for more dynamic live sessions

Blended learning, Customer story, Tips & How to's

How do our customers feel about LearningStone? In this blog, Evert Pruis, co-founder and partner of Forzes, shares his experience. Forzes helps organizations, teams, and individuals complete change…

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How to use videos for a blended-learning training course

Learning design, Blended learning

One picture says more than a thousand words. It’s an adage you’ve likely heard many times. And rightly so, because visuals are an indispensable part of communication – especially when you want to ...

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What are the benefits of an online learning environment for a training institute and its participants?

Blended learning, Customer story

How do our customers feel about LearningStone? In this blog, Annelies Tegel shares her experience. Approximately 31 years ago, she founded Trainers Academie. Together with well-versed experts, she…

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Jeanne Bakker – L&D professional of the year 2019

Blended learning

We were so proud to witness the award show where our client Jeanne Bakker, won the L&D Professional of the year 2019 prize! The award was given by Develhub – the organization for L&D professionals.

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The importance of multilingualism on a blended-learning platform

Blended learning

Multilingualism is a worldwide phenomenon. Countries such as Canada and Belgium, for example, have more than one official language. Furthermore, in many places, the migration of labor results in a…

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Flipping the classroom: how to go about it?

Learning design, Blended learning

Have you ever heard of flipping the classroom? It means you reverse the traditional trainer-participant relationship. Forget a training where the trainer talks and participants are just passive…

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Effective communication and interaction: get the most out of your blended training!

Blended learning, Tips & How to's

How do you keep participants focused? When should you compliment or rebuke someone? How can you stimulate group dynamics? How do you prepare a training? When working in a live training environment, a…

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Live and online communication: how should the coach go about it?

Blended learning, Trainer, Learning design

‘Communication’ is the trainer’s or coach’s middle name. When standing in front of a group, they know exactly which communication techniques to use. But an online environment demands a different…

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